Le 01/04/2015 09:00, Lior Vernia a écrit :

On 31/03/15 17:59, Nicolas Ecarnot wrote:
Le 31/03/2015 15:55, Lior Vernia a écrit :

So the lower ones are allocated. But I would expect nic0 to receive a
lower MAC address than nic1 on the same VM. Have you encountered a
situation where that is not the case?

Once again : YES.
What I'm witnessing is that oVirt only uses the first free MAC, and does
not mind the name.

Once again, what you're answering sounds unrelated to what I'm asking...
:) If you're creating two NICs at the same time (from the new VM
dialog), and oVirt uses the first free MAC address whenever it needs to
allocate one... Then it allocates MAC addresses according to the order
of the NICs, so nic0 would still always get a MAC address lower than
that of nic1.


To be precise, your question did not implied :
- two creations in a row, with no other user in between adding or deleting some MAC
- it was a brand new and fresh VM

I'm sure I can find plenty of weird cases were the simplest way we ALL understood from the start are not working the way we think.

But once again, THIS is not my point.
My point is : Once the MACs are allocated (whatever the way), how are they mapped to tell which gets named net0, net1, aso...

Nicolas Ecarnot
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