This is not the problem because I can hit F12, choose the disk, and the machine boots fine. I *had* set the machine to PXE boot before hard disk, but after undoing that, the configuration seems to have held.


On 04/02/2015 02:05 PM, shimano wrote:
Make sure that KickStart installed correct boot sector (on correct partition). For example boot Hiren's CD on VM and check that Grub trying to boot correct /boot partition and your /boot partition is active (bootable).

2015-04-02 18:28 GMT+02:00 Jason Keltz < <>>:

    I have kickstarted my first CentOS 6 host under ovirt.  When it
    boots, the VM tries to PXE boot again rather than going to the
    hard disk.

    If I look under "Boot Options" in my VM, there's only:

      * First Device: Hard Disk
      * Second Device: [None]

    If I  "Enable boot menu" then I can Hit F12 when the machine boots
    and select the disk.

    I suspect this is a bug, or am I missing something?

    In addition, can you configure which of the network interface does
    PXE boot? or ovirt will always try all of them until it finds one
    that works?  It would seem natural to me to have another column
    under "Network Interfaces" labelled "PXE" where you decide which
    of the interfaces have PXE enabled.


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