On Mon, May 11, 2015 at 02:12:22PM -0400, Christopher Young wrote:
> I'm working on some load-balancing solutions and they appear to require MAC
> spoofing.  I did some searching and reading and as I understand it, you can
> disable the MAC spoofing protection through a few methods.
> I was wondering about the best manner to enable this for the VMs that
> require it and not across the board (if that is even possible).  I'd like
> to just allow my load-balancer VMs to do what they need to, but keep the
> others untouched as a security mechanism.
> If anyone has any advice on the best method to handle this scenario, I
> would greatly appreciate it.  It seems that this might turn into some type
> of feature request, though I'm not sure if this is something that has to be
> done at the Linux bridge level, the port level, or the VM level.  Any
> explanations into that would also help in my education.

You can enable mac spoofing per VM or per vNIC using vdsm-hook-macspoof.
See more details on the hook's README file

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