Hi all

We are using oVirt engine 3.5.1-0.0 on Centos 6.6
We have two DC. One with hosts using vdsm-4.16.10-8.gitc937927.el7.x86_64, the 
other vdsm-4.16.12-7.gita30da75.el6.x86_64 on Centos6.6
No hosted-engine, it run on a dedicates VM, outside oVirt.

Behavior: When try to put the NFS export currently active and attached to the 
6.6 cluster, used to move VM from one DC to the other, this remain indefinitely 
in "Preparing for maintenance phase".

No DNS resolution issue in place. All parties involved are solved directly and 
via reverse resolution.
I've read about the issue on el7 and IPv6 bug, but here we have the problem on 
Centos 6.6 hosts.

Any idea/suggestion/further investigation ?

Can we reinitialize the NFS export in some way ? Only erasing content ?
Thanks in advance for any suggestion.

Roberto Nunin

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