

Have two servers(node1 and node2) that are runnig Centos6.6.

1. engine on node2. Disables network node1, engine restarts after some time node1 and everything works fine. 2. engine on node1. Disables network node1, engine moved to node2, node1 but does not reset, although attempts.

That log messages:

2015-Jul-03, 10:42 Host node1 is not responding. It will stay in Connecting state for a grace period of 120 seconds and after that an attempt to fence the host will be issued. 2015-Jul-03, 10:39 Host node1 is not responding. It will stay in Connecting state for a grace period of 120 seconds and after that an attempt to fence the host will be issued. 2015-Jul-03, 10:36 Host node1 is not responding. It will stay in Connecting state for a grace period of 120 seconds and after that an attempt to fence the host will be issued.
2015-Jul-03, 10:34 User admin@internal logged in.
2015-Jul-03, 10:33 Host node1 became non responsive. It has no power management configured. Please check the host status, manually reboot it, and click "Confirm Host Has Been Rebooted" 2015-Jul-03, 10:33 Host node2 from cluster emk-cluster was chosen as a proxy to execute Status command on Host node1.
2015-Jul-03, 10:33 Host node1 is non responsive.

Manual fencing to node1 works from the node2:
# fence_ipmilan -A password -i -l admin -p *** -o status
Getting status of IPMI: power = On

Power Management on node2 test succeeded in oVirt Manager.

i.e. If turn off the host on which the engine, after moving to a healthy host, engine does not fencing to a problematic host and all VMs that were on problematic host does not migrate. If the problem is not with the host on which the engine, then it works: making fence, and migrates Vms.

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