Any Advice?

#1 and #2 seem to be the serious issues that no one else has reported yet.

On Wed, Aug 5, 2015 at 10:34 AM, Michael DePaulo <> wrote:
> Hi,
> I am attempting to setup a Ovirt 3.6 (currently beta 1) on a test
> environment with an existing (but empty) gluster volume for the hosted
> engine.
> I am currently experiencing 4 issues after I having deployed the
> hosted-engine appliance VM on only 1 oVirt host:
> 1. The gluster volume is not added as a storage domain by the end of
> the hosted-engine-setup.
> 2. When I try to import the gluster volume as a storage domain, I get
> this error:
> Error while executing action Attach Storage Domain: AcquireHostIdFailure
> In the logs below, I had not attempted to import it yet though.
> 3. The hosted engine VM is not listed, although the host is listed and
> its number of VMs is listed as "1". (I have seen recent emails/bug
> reports about what seems to be the same issue.)
> 4. The hosted VM shut down automatically after several minutes.
> I last ran ovirt-hosted-engine-setup on galactica on 2015-08-03 at
> around 22:47 -0400
> #4 was probably caused by the fact that during a previous attempt (on
> 2015-08-02) to setup the hosted-engine, I had
> /var/lib/ovirt-hosted-engine-ha/ha.conf containing to
> local_maintenance=True. That value was not changed when I ran
> ovirt-hosted-engine-setup on 2015-08-03. Today, I ran the
> hosted-engine command to disable maintenance, and the hosted-engine VM
> started back up. I can access it over https, but the remaining issues
> are still present.
> ----
> More Details:
> The 3 Gluster servers:
> Server 1: galactica: RHEL 7.1 with Gluster 3.7.3
> Server 2: death-star: RHEL 7.1 with Gluster 3.7.3
> Server 3: mothership: Fedora 22 with Gluster 3.7.3
> I only intend for servers 1 and 2 to be oVirt hosts at this time.
> All servers have iptables disabled, are on the same LAN, have SELinux
> set to enforcing, and have gluster configured with the hyper-converged
> settings listed here:
> I have DNS forward and reverse lookups configured correctly for all 3
> machines plus the hosted engine.
> The existing gluster volume is "gv-virt", and it has the necessary
> "options" for gluster to work with oVirt. Other than the .trashcan
> folder, there were no files/folders on it when I ran
> ovirt-hosted-engine-setup.
> I am able to mount and write to gv-virt via mount.glusterfs.
> Note that I have run hosted-engine-setup repeatedly on servers 1 and 2
> as I try to resolve these issues. My cleanup between running it may
> not have been correct, as exemplified by the local_maintenance
> setting. I have been deleting the files on the gluster volume between
> running it.
> I have the relevant contents of the relevant directories under
> /var/log/, /var/lib/, and /etc/ here:
> I also put the `gluster volume status gv-virt` output there.
> Also, these 2 volumes are currently mounted on galactica:
>                          200G  2.7G
> 198G   2% /rhev/data-center/mnt/glusterSD/
> /dev/loop1                                              2.0G  3.1M
> 1.9G   1% /rhev/data-center/mnt/_var_lib_ovirt-hosted-engine-setup_tmp2HOqSq
> Thanks in advance,
> -Mike
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