On 07/30/2015 08:11 PM, Adrian Lewis wrote:

Just wondering if it will be possible to create gluster replica 3 volumes in oVirt 3.6 that use the arbiter function instead of actually storing three copies of the data? If so, could this be used for the hosted engine on gluster feature which from what I can tell requires replica 3?

We currently do not have support for creating a volume with an arbiter node from oVirt, changes are required in the Add Volume flow to enable it. I've opened a BZ to track but will not be available in oVirt 3.6 (https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1254073)

If you want to use such a volume to be used as storage domain, you will need to create the volume outside of oVirt using gluster cli commands - this has not yet been integrated and tested with the hosted engine flow. Your feedback is welcome.

Many thanks,


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