On 09/09/15 18:58 +0800, Nick Xiao wrote:
In my environment i want to use ovirt-ga replace qemu-ga.
 Hypervisor is Ubuntu 14.04 (OpenStack Icehouse) and the virtual machine
is Ubuntu 14.04 cloudimage.

In Hypervisor launch a instance and attach a chardev, like:
# ps -ef | grep guest_agent
libvirt+   2649      1  1 Sep08 ?        00:15:36
/usr/bin/qemu-system-x86_64 ...

In virtual machine was installed ovirt-guest-agent 1.0.11-1.1 and service
running OK.

But i don't know how to get memory usage and other information in
hypervisor(OpenStack compute node)? I have failed when i try to use linux
command 'socat' and python socket.

I need some sample or link.

I took a look at the libvirt domain XML from one of my running oVirt
VMs and found the following device:

   <channel type='unix'>
     <source mode='bind'
     <target type='virtio' name='com.redhat.rhevm.vdsm'
     <alias name='channel0'/>
     <address type='virtio-serial' controller='0' bus='0' port='1'/>

You might try adding this to your VM.  I'm almost certain that
ovirt-ga searches for a device with the name 'com.redhat.rhevm.vdsm'
when starting up.  Once you are connected, take a look at
vdsm/virt/guestagent.py in the vdsm source code for hints about how to
talk to the agent.

Adam Litke
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