On 18/09/15 07:59, Luca Bertoncello wrote:
Hi Alex

2) My question was: "what can I do, so that in case of Kernel Panic or similar, the 
VM will be migrated (live or not) to another host?"

You would make the VMs HA and acquire a fencing solution.
What do you mean now? Have two VM and build a cluster? This is not what we 
If it's possible, I'd like to have more Host AS CLUSTER with migration of the 
VM between the nodes...
I think oVirt already do that, since I have to create Clusters. For me a Cluster is not 
just "more nodes with the same CPU", but also something with load balancing or 
high availability...

No, use the built in HA in Ovirt. Which requires a fencing solution. This means that if a host goes down the VMs on it will autostart on another host in the cluster. Yes, it's a cluster of *hosts*. In fact in the Ovirt Interface you can see "clusters" in the tree view!

We use the built in Ovirt HA for >200 VMs over 6 hosts and it works just fine. We lost a host fairly recently and only a couple of people (out of over 300) who use the services of a single VM noticed.

Ovirt also supports balancing the VM load across hosts. That is part of the cluster policy. You can also set affinity and anti-affinity of VMs. You can also have hosts actually migrate off VMs when they are idle and the host to power down to save on your electricity bill. When load on other hosts reaches a limit, the host will be powered back on and VMs will start migrating to it.

3) I'd like to have a shutdown-script on the host that put the host in 
Maintenance and wait until it's done, so that I can just shutdown or reboot it 
without any other action. Is it possible? It would help to manage the power
  > failure, too, assuming that other hosts have better UPS (it can be 
You could probably use the REST API on the Ovirt Engine for that.But it might 
be better to have a highly available machine (VM or not) running something like 
Nagios or Icinga which would perform the monitoring of your
  hosts and connect to the REST API to perform maintenance and shutdown. You 
might also consider a UPS service like NUT (unless you're already doing it).
Well, I already use NUT and we have Icinga monitoring the hosts.
But I can't understand what you mean and (more important!) how can I do it...

I checked the REST API and the CLI. I can write a little script to put an host 
in Maintenance or active it again, that's not the problem.
The problem is to have somewhat starting this script automatically...

Any suggestion? Icinga will not be the solution, since it checks the host every 
5 minutes or so, but we need to have this script started in seconds...


Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Luca Bertoncello

The rest is out of scope of Ovirt. Icinga was just a suggestion. You don't have to use it - but you can change the check interval for a check to whatever you want. I was just stating that you should be wary of running your checks/scripts from a host if what you are trying to trigger on is that host going down or having issues.

And if 5 minutes is too long maybe you need a bigger UPS? We have 1 hour battery runtime on ours at the moment (think it's a 160kVA central UPS offhand).


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