On Thu, Oct 22, 2015 at 4:28 PM, Gianluca Cecchi <gianluca.cec...@gmail.com>

> On Thu, Oct 22, 2015 at 3:01 PM, Simone Tiraboschi <stira...@redhat.com>
> wrote:
>>> Any particular file or section in log files to cross check?
>>> I can also start from scratch in case.... just to be sure that I don't
>>> get into same problem, so that it can be useful to find it before...
>> I suspect that that host-deploy fails cause you have in place a leftover
>> VDSM cert from the previous attempt which is still signed by your previous
>> attempt engine and so it fails to match this new engine: on the second
>> attempt hosted-engine-setup deployed again the engine appliance creating a
>> new instance with different certs.
> I decided to restart clean and in fact all went well.
> Last lines of output of "hosted-engine --deploy"
> ...
> [ INFO  ] Connecting to the Engine
> [ INFO  ] Waiting for the host to become operational in the engine. This
> may take several minutes...
> [ INFO  ] Still waiting for VDSM host to become operational...
> [ INFO  ] The VDSM Host is now operational
> [ INFO  ] Saving hosted-engine configuration on the shared storage domain
> [ INFO  ] Shutting down the engine VM
> [ INFO  ] Enabling and starting HA services
>           Hosted Engine successfully set up
> [ INFO  ] Stage: Clean up
> [ INFO  ] Generating answer file
> '/var/lib/ovirt-hosted-engine-setup/answers/answers-20151022160359.conf'
> [ INFO  ] Generating answer file '/etc/ovirt-hosted-engine/answers.conf'
> [ INFO  ] Stage: Pre-termination
> [ INFO  ] Stage: Termination
> engine is up and admin web portal accessible and host results up.
> I expected storage to be configured inside admin web portal but apparently
> I don't see anything already configured and also I don't see the sh engine
> VM listed... is it correct?

No, we have an open bug on that:

You can try to manually import it in the mean time.

But hosted-engine storage domain can just contain the engine VM so you
still need to add a regular storage domain for other VMs.

> Filesystem layout at this time on the hypervisor is this:
> [root@ovc71 tmp]# df -h
> Filesystem                           Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
> /dev/mapper/centos-root               27G  2.7G   24G  11% /
> devtmpfs                             3.9G     0  3.9G   0% /dev
> tmpfs                                3.9G  4.0K  3.9G   1% /dev/shm
> tmpfs                                3.9G  8.7M  3.9G   1% /run
> tmpfs                                3.9G     0  3.9G   0% /sys/fs/cgroup
> /dev/sda1                            497M  130M  368M  27% /boot
> /dev/mapper/OVIRT_DOMAIN-ISO_DOMAIN  5.0G   33M  5.0G   1% /ISO_DOMAIN
> /dev/mapper/OVIRT_DOMAIN-NFS_DOMAIN   45G  2.7G   43G   6% /NFS_DOMAIN
> ovc71.localdomain.local:/NFS_DOMAIN   45G  2.7G   43G   6%
> /rhev/data-center/mnt/ovc71.localdomain.local:_NFS__DOMAIN
> /dev/loop1                           2.0G  3.1M  1.9G   1%
> /rhev/data-center/mnt/_var_lib_ovirt-hosted-engine-setup_tmpUEso__Q
> BTW: what is the 2Gb file system on loop device?

It was used by hosted-engine-setup as a fake storage pool to bootstrap the
hosted-engine storage domain.
It shouldn't be there at the end.
Could you please attach hosted-engine-setup logs to let me check why it's
still there?

> I configured the storage domain part as NFS, pointing
> to ovc71.localdomain.local:/NFS_DOMAIN
> Reading page at
> http://www.ovirt.org/Features/Self_Hosted_Engine
> it is not clear to me what to do next if I want for example keep a single
> host with its sh engine as a replacement concept of what before was
> all-in-one... and start creating VMs....

You have to setup your first regular data domain for other VMs: you can add
another NFS one.

> Output of my web admin page:
> https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BwoPbcrMv8mva3UyMTFDbHdsN3c/view?usp=sharing
> Also, I didn't restart my hypervisor yet.
> WHat should be the shutdown procedure? SImply run shutdown on hypervisor or
> 1) shutdwn engine vm
> 2) shutdown hypervisor
> ?
Put the host in global maintenance (otherwise the engine VM will be
Shutdown the engine VM
Shutdown the host

> Gianluca
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