בתאריך 5 בנוב׳ 2015 1:47 לפנה״צ,‏ "Stefano Danzi" <s.da...@hawai.it> כתב:
> Hello,
> I have an Ovirt installation with only 1 host and self-hosted engine.
> My Master Data storage domain is GlusterFS type.
> After upgrading to Ovirt 3.6 data storage domain and default dataceter
are down.
> The error in vdsm.log is:
> Thread-6585::DEBUG::2015-11-04
Task=`86e72580-fa76-4347-b919-a73970d12682`::moving from state init ->
state preparin
> g
> Thread-6585::INFO::2015-11-04
23:55:00,173::logUtils::48::dispatcher::(wrapper) Run and protect:
spUUID=u'00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000', conLi
> st=[{u'id': u'dc0eaef1-8494-4e35-abea-80a4e7f37499', u'connection':
u'ovirtbk-mount.hawai.lan:data', u'iqn': u'', u'user': u'', u'tpgt': u'1',
u'vfs_type': u'glusterfs', u'password':
>  '********', u'port': u''}], options=None)

The error below suggest that ovirt and gluster are not configured in the
same way, one using a domain name and the other ip address.

Can you share the output of
gluster volme info

On one of the bricks, or on the host (you will need to use --remote-host)


> Thread-6585::DEBUG::2015-11-04
23:55:00,235::fileUtils::143::Storage.fileUtils::(createdir) Creating
directory: /rhev/data-center/mnt/glusterSD/ovirtbk-mount.hawai.lan:data
mode: Non
> e
> Thread-6585::WARNING::2015-11-04
23:55:00,235::fileUtils::152::Storage.fileUtils::(createdir) Dir
/rhev/data-center/mnt/glusterSD/ovirtbk-mount.hawai.lan:data already exists
> Thread-6585::ERROR::2015-11-04
23:55:00,235::hsm::2465::Storage.HSM::(connectStorageServer) Could not
connect to storageServer
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "/usr/share/vdsm/storage/hsm.py", line 2462, in
>     conObj.connect()
>   File "/usr/share/vdsm/storage/storageServer.py", line 224, in connect
>     self._mount.mount(self.options, self._vfsType, cgroup=self.CGROUP)
>   File "/usr/share/vdsm/storage/storageServer.py", line 323, in options
>     backup_servers_option = self._get_backup_servers_option()
>   File "/usr/share/vdsm/storage/storageServer.py", line 340, in
>     servers.remove(self._volfileserver)
> ValueError: list.remove(x): x not in list
> Thread-6585::DEBUG::2015-11-04
23:55:00,235::hsm::2489::Storage.HSM::(connectStorageServer) knownSDs:
{46f55a31-f35f-465c-b3e2-df45c05e06a7: storage.nfsSD.findDomain}
> Thread-6585::INFO::2015-11-04
23:55:00,236::logUtils::51::dispatcher::(wrapper) Run and protect:
connectStorageServer, Return response: {'statuslist': [{'status': 100,
'id': u'dc0eaef1-8494-4e35-abea-80a4e7f37499'}]}
> Thread-6585::DEBUG::2015-11-04
Task=`86e72580-fa76-4347-b919-a73970d12682`::finished: {'statuslist':
[{'status': 100, 'id': u'dc0eaef1-8494-4e35-abea-80a4e7f37499'}]}
> Thread-6585::DEBUG::2015-11-04
Task=`86e72580-fa76-4347-b919-a73970d12682`::moving from state preparing ->
state finished
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