Hello oVirt and Gluster folks,

I'm emailing both mailing lists to ask about my failing oVirt installation
due to the GlusterFS repository files pointing to an invalid GPG key path.

I attempted to set up an oVirt host today through the engine UI, and it
kept bombing out on the GPG key, saying it couldn't retrieve it (HTTP 404).
I went to the engine logs and found out that the key that it can't retrieve
is the one for GlusterFS, which lived at
according to the logs and the /etc/yum.repos.d/ovirt-3.6-dependencies.repo

Going to the URL indicated that, sure enough, the key doesn't exist there.
Instead, it appears to exist at

Can someone please fix this so that I can install oVirt and Gluster again?

Thanks in advance,
Neal Gompa

真実はいつも一つ!/ Always, there's only one truth!
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