
I'm having some trouble installing oVirt 3.6 hosted engine with gluster.

First of here are the questions that arose:
Do I need separate gluster volumes for the hosted engine and the
other VMs?
If yes I'm guessing the same optimizations apply to the /engine
volume as to the other volume as described in

Post installation the storage tab is completely empty though I did
create an NFS ISO domain during the hosted-engine --deploy process.
Is that normal behavior?

Should the engine gluster volume be manually imported ('Import
Domain') or is this volume never visible?

If I have a separate VM volume I guess I need to create a 'New
Domain'. If I do that the over lay window in the UI that allows me
to enter the glusterfs connection details clears. I see an animated
circle in the middle but nothing happens. There is no entry in the
engine log or the in any host log. If I wait long enough the UI
terminates the session and I'm at the login again.

Last question (for now, I promise): The engine VM is not visible in
the UI. Obviously it's running or otherwise there would be no UI.
From a variety of sources I get the impression that this shouldn't
be but I'm not sure why the engine VM is not showing itself.

Sorry for so many maybe obvious questions but since I'm new to oVirt
im still stumbling around in the dark for things that do not work
according to plan. In case of what should be shown in the UI I'm
still not sure what the plan is.

To give some background information about my setup:
All machines are running up to date versions of CentOS 7.1 64bit.
I've three dedicated machines for the gluster storage. The replica 3
gluster volumes are created on top of thinly provisioned volumes.

There are three dedicated hosts for virtualization. On the first I'm
trying a hosted-engine --deploy. The other two machines are unused
since I didn't get everything working as expected.

The engine, installed during the deploy process, is installed from a
local ISO Centos image. Installation is done manually.

I've created two gists:
One listing the commands for the gluster volume:

One listing what I've done to install oVirt:

Any help is highly appreciated since I'm kind of stuck.


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