On 12/03/2015 10:59 PM, Jamie Lawrence wrote:
> Hello,
> I’m currently playing with scripted VM creation and have an issue getting the 
> newly created VM to PXE boot. My objective is to port some creation scripts 
> from the environment this will eventually replace and worry about making this 
> more “Ovirt-ey” later.
> Skipping the details, everything is happy through creation, and when I boot 
> it, it attempts to boot from a ‘disk' and fails, and I don’t understand why.
> Following the creation of the VM, creation/attachment of the disk and net,
>         boot_dev = params.Boot(dev='network')
>         vm.os.set_boot([boot_dev])
>         vm.set_os(params.OperatingSystem(cmdline=kernel_cmd))

This line ^ is overwriting the complete OS configuration that you set
before, so the change to the boot device is lost. If you enable the
debug output of the SDK (with debug=True in the constructor of the API
object) you will see that this is what is sent:

    <cmdline>your command line</cmdline>

Try this instead:


It should result in sending this:

    <boot dev="network"/>
    <cmdline>your command line</cmdline>

Not also that I believe that the kernel command line won't have any
effect for the PXE boot, as it is used only for direct kernel boot.

>         vm.update()
> kernel_cmd there evaluates to a fairly typical PXEboot string that works with 
> our legacy setup - there isn’t really anything exotic going on. The BIOS 
> doesn’t show any attempt at a PXE boot - it goes straight to the disk, 
> declares it unbootable (because it was just created and is blank), and halts. 
> It feels like the set_boot line is wrong or ignored, but this is new to me.
> Anyone have a hint?
> Thanks,
> -j
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