Am 2015-12-13 11:57, schrieb
Hi oVirt users,

since a couple of days I'm struggling to install oVirt 3.6 on a CentOS 7 server.

Here are the steps I have done to get oVirt 3.6 engine on the host.

1. Install minimal CentOS
2. update to latest version (yum update)
3. install oVirt 3.6 (yum install ovirt-engine)
4. start rpcbind (systemctl start rpcbind)
5. run engine-setup

                   Application mode                        : both
          Default SAN wipe after delete           : False
          Firewall manager                        : firewalld
          Update Firewall                         : True
Host FQDN : hostname.localdomain
          Engine database secured connection      : False
          Engine database host                    : localhost
          Engine database user name               : engine
          Engine database name                    : engine
          Engine database port                    : 5432
          Engine database host name validation    : False
          Engine installation                     : True
          NFS setup                               : True
          PKI organization                        : Me
          NFS export ACL                          :
          NFS mount point                         : /home/iso
          Configure local Engine database         : True
          Set application as default page         : True
          Configure Apache SSL                    : True
          Configure VMConsole Proxy               : True
Engine Host FQDN : hostname.localdomain
          Configure WebSocket Proxy               : True

After the successful installation of the engine I logged into the
admin portal to add the host to the data center.

Here I entered in the following issue:
Adding the host never was successful. I found out that the firewalld
was always stopped and disabled during that process. A manual start of
the firewalld was allowing me to continue.

After that I was able to add the storage to the server.

Now I thought I will be able to install a VM into the host but it
looks like that something else is missing.
I have no options in the drop-down boxes of cluster, templates and OS.

Is anyone able to help me here?

Please note that this is my first oVirt installation.

Best regards and thx

Users mailing list

Hello Christoph,
i got the same problems. NFS Domain wanted to go up and the Host doesnt work to. I now used this tutorial and dont setup nfs domain while installation. I setup all nfs shares before and after all, like described in the howto, it works.

Hope i could help.
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