
I updated my feature page [1] on the legacy site last week and added the
new picture file [2]. That's missing in the new site and github.
Looks like source/images/wiki folder was updated on github on Jun 19th last
time, which is quite long time ago...
IMHO it re-synced again...

[1] http://old.ovirt.org/Features/IPv6_support
[2] http://old.ovirt.org/File:Edit_network_ipv6.jpg


On Fri, Feb 19, 2016 at 5:57 PM, Mikey Ariel <mar...@redhat.com> wrote:

> Hash: SHA256
> Following yesterday's pre-launch email[1], I'm happy to announce that
> the new ovirt.org[2] website is now live in **public beta** and
> available for community review.
> All the information in this email is also available in the first blog
> post of our shiny new oVirt blog[3]. Read on for information about new
> features, known issues, and a call for reviews.
> The old MediaWiki site is still available in read-only[4], and will be
> taken offline on **March 1, 2016**. This is to ensure that you can
> compare pages and review migrated content.
> What's New
> ==========
> The new Website is full of improvements and enhancements, check out
> these highlights:
> * Source content is now formatted in Markdown instead of MediaWiki.
> This means that you can create and edit documentation, blog posts, and
> feature pages with the same Markdown syntax you know.
> * The Website is deployed with Middleman and stored on GitHub. This
> means that you can make changes to content with the same GitHub
> contribution workflow that you know (fork, clone, edit, commit, submit
> pull request). We even have an "Edit this page on GitHub" link at the
> bottom of every page!
> * New layout and design, from breadcrumbs to sidebards and an upgraded
> landing page. (This is still WIP, please see known issues.)
> * Automatic redirects from the old MediaWiki site. This means that if
> the wiki page exists in the new website, previously-released URLs will
> redirect to that page. If the page was removed, the Search page will
> open with the page title auto-filled in the search box.
> * Hierarchical content structure. This means that instead of flat
> Wiki-style files, the deployed Website reflects an organized source
> repo with content sorted into directories and sub-directories.
> * Official oVirt blog! Our new blog welcomes contributions. This means
> that if you solved a problem with oVirt, want to share your oVirt
> story, or describe a cool integration, you can submit a pull request
> with a blog post and we will provide editorial reviews and help
> publish your posts.
> * Standardized contribution process. The GitHub repo now includes a
> README.md[5] file that you can use to learn about how to add and edit
> content on the website. We welcome pull requests!
> Known Issues
> ============
> Despite our best efforts, there are still a few kinks with the new
> website that you should be aware of:
> * Attempting to navigate to ovirt.org (without www.) leads to a
> redirect loop. We have a ticket open with OpenShift, our hosting
> service to fix this.
> * Only http is available. We also have a ticket with OpenShift to add
> SSL and enable https.
> * Home page and Download page are still being upgraded by our UX
> experts, expect some cool new changes soon!
> * Feature pages look-and-feel is still under construction. You can
> still edit and push feature pages as usual.
> What's Next
> ===========
> Even though the Website is live, the work is hardly over. We'd like to
> ask for your help in:
> * Reviewing content for anything obsolete or outdated (each page in
> the new website includes a header toolbar with metadata from the
> original wiki page for your convenience)
> * Submitting blog posts or any other content that you wish to share
> with the oVirt community
> * Reporting bugs and proposing enhancements, for example broken links
> or missing pages
> We hope you will enjoy the new oVirt Website, looking forward to your
> feedback and contributions!
> [1] http://lists.ovirt.org/pipermail/devel/2016-February/012372.html
> [2] http://www.ovirt.org/
> [3] http://www.ovirt.org/blog/2016/02/welcome-to-new-ovirt-site/
> [4] http://old.ovirt.org/Home
> [5] https://github.com/oVirt/ovirt-site/blob/master/README.md
> - --
> Mikey Ariel
> Community Lead, oVirt
> www.ovirt.org
> "To be is to do" (Socrates)
> "To do is to be" (Jean-Paul Sartre)
> "Do be do be do" (Frank Sinatra)
> Mobile: +420-702-131-141
> IRC: mariel / thatdocslady
> Twitter: @ThatDocsLady
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