Thanks Rich for the clarification and thanks Moran for getting me to the right 
human :-)

I'll be searching for the import feature tomorrow after I build out the main 
storage domain and the datacenter goes green.

I REALLY appreciate all you guys do, and the help you provide.

I've tried the -i libvirtxml method and it fails and I suspect it's because the 
legacy KVM environment is Ubuntu based. Any tricks or pointers would be 

I typically scp the VM image file to the root of the export domain and use the 
-i <image> method because of the limitation of Ubuntu.

Thank you again

> On Feb 29, 2016, at 6:24 AM, Richard W.M. Jones <> wrote:
>> On Mon, Feb 29, 2016 at 01:44:19PM +0200, Moran Goldboim wrote:
>> +Richard, v2v maintainer.
>>> On Sat, Feb 27, 2016 at 8:45 PM, Clint Boggio <> wrote:
>>> I'm in the process of migrating a series of VM's from  KVM environment, to
>>> an OVirt environment. I've used virt-v2v to convert quite a few M$ and
>>> Linux machines with great success.
> You don't really need to use virt-v2v when the guest already runs on
> KVM.  The latest oVirt supports direct import of disk images, and
> there is also my import script for older versions of oVirt which
> didn't have this feature:
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Nevertheless I'll answer the rest of these questions because it's an
> interesting topic for people importing from other hypervisors ...
>>> Coming up I've got to convert a Linux VM that has 3 virtual disks. Inside
>>> that VM, the three disks are part of an LVM volume.
>>> 1. How will virt-v2v handle these three virtual disks ?
> Should just work.
>>> 2. On which disk image will I run virt-v2v ?
> On all 3 :-)  Are you using `-i disk' input mode?  That only supports a
> single disk, but you can use `-i libvirtxml' mode instead, and then
> you can specify as many input disks as you want:
>>> 3. Will virt-v2v "follow" the three images and convert the machine or will
>>> I have to somehow tell it to include all three disks ?
> You always have to tell virt-v2v.
>>> 4. Shall I have all three images together in the same directory when I run
>>> the tool ?
> With `-i libvirtxml' it doesn't matter.  You specify the XML file, and
> that contains references to the disks.
>>> 5. Is this the appropriate forum for this question ?
> Yup.
> Rich.
>>> As of the writing of this question I'll be using OVirt 3.6 updated on a 4
>>> node cluster running CentOS 7 , and the most recent version of virt-v2v as
>>> is available on Fedora 23.
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> Richard Jones, Virtualization Group, Red Hat
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