On Thu, Mar 3, 2016 at 9:06 AM, Dan Kenigsberg <dan...@redhat.com> wrote:
> On Thu, Mar 03, 2016 at 12:54:25AM +0000, David LeVene wrote:
> >
> > Can you check our patches? They should resolve the problem we saw in the
> > log: https://gerrit.ovirt.org/#/c/54237  (based on oVirt-3.6.3)
> >
> > -- I've manually applied the patch to the node that I was testing on
> > and the networking comes on-line correctly - now I'm encountering a
> > gluster issue with cannot find master domain.
> You are most welcome to share your logs (preferably on a different
> thread, to avoid confusion)
> >
> > Without the fixes, as a workaround, I would suggest (if possible) to
disable IPv6 on your host boot line and check if all works out for you.
> > -- Ok, but as I can manually apply the patch its good now. Do you know
> > what version are we hoping to have this put into as I won't perform an
> > ovirt/vdsm update until its part of the upstream RPM's
> The fix has been proposed to ovirt-3.6.4. I'll make sure it's accepted.
> >
> > Do you need IPv6 connectivity? If so, you'll need to use a vdsm hook or
another interface that is not controlled by oVirt.
> > -- Ideally I'd prefer not to have it, but the way our network has been
> > configured some hosts are IPv6 only, so at a min the guests need it..
> > the hypervisors not so much.
> May I tap to what your IPv6 experience? (only if you feel confortable
> this publically). What does these IPv6-only servers do? What does the
guest do
> with them?
> >
> > -- I've now hit an issue with it not starting up the master storage
> > gluster domain - as it’s a separate issue I'll review the mailing
> > lists & create a new item if its related.. I've attached the
> > supervdsm.log incase you can save me some time and point me in the
> > right direction!
> All I see is this
> MainProcess|jsonrpc.Executor/4::ERROR::2016-03-03
Error in wrapper
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "/usr/share/vdsm/supervdsmServer", line 116, in wrapper
>     res = func(*args, **kwargs)
>   File "/usr/share/vdsm/supervdsmServer", line 531, in wrapper
>     return func(*args, **kwargs)
>   File "/usr/share/vdsm/gluster/cli.py", line 496, in volumeInfo
>     xmltree = _execGlusterXml(command)
>   File "/usr/share/vdsm/gluster/cli.py", line 108, in _execGlusterXml
>     raise ge.GlusterCmdExecFailedException(rc, out, err)
> GlusterCmdExecFailedException: Command execution failed
> return code: 2

We have this logs before the exception:

11:02:42,945::utils::669::root::(execCmd) /usr/bin/taskset --cpu-list 0-39
/usr/sbin/gluster --mode=script volume info --re
mote-host=ovirtmount.test.lab data --xml (cwd None)

The command looks correct

11:02:43,024::utils::687::root::(execCmd) FAILED: <err> = '\n'; <rc> = 2

gluster command line failed in an unhelpful way.

(Adding Sahina)

David, can you try to run this command manually on this host? maybe there
is some
--verbose flag revealing more info?

You may also try a simpler command:

    gluster volume info --remote-host=ovirtmount.test.lab data

Another issue you should check - gluster version on the hosts and on the
gluster nodes *must*
match - otherwise you should expect failures accessing gluster server.

We have this patch for handling such errors gracefully - can you test it?

(Adding Ala)

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