On Thu, Mar 24, 2016 at 12:20 PM, p...@email.cz <p...@email.cz> wrote:

> Hi folks,
> how can I delete the last storage  definition from oVirt database if the
> last  volume has been deleted from bricks commandline ( rm -rf  < path to
> that volume > ) directly ?
> In oVirt DB exists this storage last record and blocking create new
> storage operation ( ovirt offering " delete datacenter", but this is not
> the right way for me, now )
> regs. Pavel
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Hi Pavel,

What are your plans regarding that Data Center?
In case you want to keep that Data Center to be used with other storage
domains you can try to add a new storage domain without attaching it to any
Data Center and try to re-initialize the Data Center with this new storage
domain. Once that Data Center will be re-initialized you can try to remove
the old Storage Domain (or force remove it you encounter any problem)
Please let me know if this helps you or is there anything else that you
were trying to do

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