Have you got some free time and do you want to get involved in oVirt

Do you like the idea of having fresh disk images of recent distribution in
oVirt Glance repository?
You can help us by testing existing online images ensuring they works with
or creating one yourself and report your success to de...@ovirt.org.
We'll be happy to upload the images once these are ready.

Do you like Debian and do you have some programming or packaging skills?
Help us getting Vdsm running on it! We work on inclusion of Vdsm into
We need to test and fix Vdsm Debian packages to make them working before
the next Debian freeze.
You can find all current Debian work (Vdsm and related packages) in Debian
git repositories [10].
You can follow the progress and participate on oVirt development mailing
list [11].

Here are some bugs you can try to help with:
1159784   ovirt-engine   Documentation   NEW   [RFE] Document when and
where new features are available ...
1074301   ovirt-engine-cli   RFEs   NEW   [RFE] ovirt-shell has no man page
772931     ovirt-engine-reports   RFEs   NEW   [RFE] Reports should include
the name of the oVirt engine
1120585   ovirt-image-uploader   Documentation   NEW   update image
uploader documentation
1120586   ovirt-iso-uploader   Documentation   NEW   update iso uploader
1120588   ovirt-log-collector   Documentation   NEW   update log collector
1237132   ovirt-engine   Setup.Engine   NEW   [TEXT] New package listing of
engine-setup when upgrading...
1115059   ovirt-engine   General   ASSIGNED   Incomplete error message when
adding VNIC profile to runn...

Are you great at packaging software? Do you prefer a distribution which is
currently unsupported by oVirt?
Do you want to have packages included in your preferred distribution? Help
getting oVirt ported there!

Fedora: http://lists.ovirt.org/pipermail/devel/2015-September/011426.html
CentOS: https://wiki.centos.org/SpecialInterestGroup/Virtualization
Gentoo: https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/OVirt (GSoC:
https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Google_Summer_of_Code/2016/Ideas )
Archlinux: http://www.ovirt.org/develop/developer-guide/arch-linux/
OpenSUSE: https://build.opensuse.org/project/show/Virtualization:oVirt

Do you love "DevOps?", you count stable builds in jenkins ci while trying
to fall a sleep?
Then oVirt infra team is looking for you!, join the infra team and dive in
to do the newest and coolest devops tools today!
Here are some of our open tasks you can help with:
You can also help us by sharing how you use oVirt in your DevOps
environment (please use [DevOps] in the subject).
You can check out more docs on the DevOps side of oVirt in [12][13]

You don't have programming skills, not enough time for DevOps but you want
still to contribute?
Here are some bugs you can take care of, also without writing a line of

Do you prefer to test things? We have some test cases[5] you can try using
nightly snapshots[6].

Do you want to contribute test cases? Most of the features[7] included in
oVirt are missing a test case, you're welcome to contribute one!

Do you want to contribute artworks? oVirt Live backgrounds and covers,
release banners, stickers, .... Take a look at Fedora Artworks[9] as an
example of what you can do

Is this the first time you try to contribute to oVirt project?
You can start from here [1][2]!

You don't know gerrit very well? You can find some more docs here [3].

Any other question about development? Feel free to ask on de...@ovirt.org
or on irc channel[4].

You don't really have time / skills for any development / documentation /
testing related task?
Spread the word[8]!

Let us know you're getting involved, present yourself and tell us what
you're going to do, you'll be welcome!

[1] http://www.ovirt.org/develop/
[2] http://www.ovirt.org/develop/dev-process/working-with-gerrit/
[3] https://gerrit-review.googlesource.com/Documentation
[4] http://www.ovirt.org/community/
[5] http://www.ovirt.org/develop/infra/testing/
[6] http://www.ovirt.org/develop/dev-process/install-nightly-snapshot/
[7] http://www.ovirt.org/develop/release-management/features/
[9] https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Artwork#Resources
[10] http://git.debian.org
[11] http://lists.ovirt.org/mailman/listinfo/devel
[12] http://ovirt-infra-docs.readthedocs.org/en/latest/
[13] http://www.ovirt.org/develop/infra/infrastructure-documentation/

Sandro Bonazzola
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