OVirt 3.6, 4 node cluster with dedicated engine. Main storage domain is iscsi, 
ISO and Export domains are NFS.

Several of my VM snapshot disks show to be in an "illegal state". The system 
will not allow me to manipulate the snapshots in any way, nor clone the active 
system, or create a new snapshot.

In the logs I see that the system complains about not being able to "get volume 
size for xxx", and also that the system appears to believe that the image is 
"locked" and is currently in the snapshot process.

Of the VM's with this status, one rebooted and was lost due to "cannot get 
volume size for domain xxx".

I fear that in this current condition, should any of the other machine reboot, 
they too will be lost.

How can I troubleshoot this problem further, and hopefully alleviate the 
condition ?

Thank you for your help.

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