This morning I updated my gluster version to 3.7.11 and during this I
shutdown ovirt completely and all VM's.  On bringing them back up ovirt
seems to have not recreated symlinks to gluster storage

Before VM's were created and the path they expected to find the storage at
as it was created by oVirt was


which was a symlink to what was mounted
at /rhev/data-center/mnt/glusterSD/ once engine
activated hosts

It never seemed to recreate that symlink though and I ended up just doing
so manually and after that I could bring up my VM's.

If this was caused by some error would I likely find that in the engine
log's on the engine vm or on one of the vdsm logs of a host?

I'm running oVirt Engine Version:

*David Gossage*
*Carousel Checks Inc. | System Administrator*
*Office* 708.613.2284
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