On 06/15/2016 12:26 PM, Michal Skrivanek wrote:

On 15 Jun 2016, at 12:18, Giorgio Bersano <giorgio.bers...@gmail.com> wrote:

Hi everyone,
I've been asked to deploy a VDI solution based on our oVirt infrastructure.
What we have in production is a 3.6 manager (standalone, not HE) with
a 3.5 cluster (CentOS 6) and a 3.6 cluster (CentOS 7), iSCSI storage,
fully redundant networking.

What is not clear to me is the client side, especially because we have
been asked to implement a thin client solution but I've been almost
unable to find suitable devices.

if that client can still be a PC, albeit diskless, it’s still easier and 
probably cheaper than any other special hw.

Is there anyone in this list willing to share his/her experience on
this topic? Probably my search skill is low but I've only seen
references to IGEL. Other brands?

not that i know of, and even that one had (or still have?) some issues with 
SPICE performance as it’s not kept up to date

There is another strong requirement: our network infrastructure makes
use of 802.1x to authenticate client devices and it would be highly
advisable to respect that constraint.

for the VDI connections? I don’t think SPICE supports that, but please bring it 
up on spice list to make sure.
if it would be for oVirt user portal then, I guess with pluggable aaa we can 
support anything. Ondro?

It depends on use case, if apache module which uses radius is ok, then yes it should work.
The problem is that we currently support only ldap as authorization backend.

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