On 2016-06-28 10:21, Yedidyah Bar David wrote:
> On Tue, Jun 28, 2016 at 10:53 AM, Ricky Schneberger
> <ri...@schneberger.se> wrote:
>> On 2016-06-27 19:15, Fernando Fuentes wrote:
>> Ricky,
>> I am under the impression that the DB migration was implemented in
>> release 3.6.6.
>> I might be wrong.
>> https://www.ovirt.org/release/3.6.6/
>> What's New in 3.6.6?
>> Enhancement
>> oVirt Engine
>> BZ 1241149 [RFE] Provide way to preform in-cluster upgrade of hosts from
>> el6->el7.
>> BZ 1332463 [RFE] restore: ensure that 3.6 on el6 backup can be restored
>> on 3.6 on el7
>> Feature:
>> Allow engine-backup on el7 to restore backups taken on el6.
>> Reason:
>> engine 4.0 does not support el6. Users that want to upgrade from 3.6 on
>> el6 to 4.0 on el7 have to do this by backing up the engine on 3.6/el6
>> and restore on 4.0/el7.
>> This feature, backported from 4.0, allows to do such a migration also in
>> 3.6.
>> Result:
>> Using this flow, it's possible to migrate a el6 setup to el7:
>> On the existing engine machine run:
>> 1. engine-backup --mode=backup --file=engine-3.6.bck --log=backup.log
>> On a new el7 machine:
>> 2. Install engine, including dwh if it was set up on el6.
>> 3. Copy engine-3.6.bck to the el7 machine
>> 4. engine-backup --mode=restore --file=engine-3.6.bck --log=restore.log
>> --provision-db --no-restore-permissions
>> 5. engine-setup
>> Check engine-backup documentation for other options, including using
>> remote databases, extra grants/permissions, etc.
>> One step forward, two backward....
>> - upgrade the old EL6 to ovirt 3.6.6
>> - engine-backup --mode=backup --file=engine-backup.tar.gz --log=backup.log
>> - install http://resources.ovirt.org/pub/yum-repo/ovirt-release40.rpm, to
>> have ovirt-engine
>> - yum install ovirt-engine
>> - engine-backup --mode=restore --no-restore-permissions --provision-db
>> --file=engine-backup.tar.gz --log=engine-backup-restore.log
>> Then I got this error...
>> "Preparing to restore:
>> - Unpacking file 'engine-backup.tar.gz'
>> Restoring:
>> - Files
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Please note:
>> Operating system is different from the one used during backup.
>> Current operating system: centos7
>> Operating system at backup: centos6
>> Apache httpd configuration will not be restored.
>> You will be asked about it on the next engine-setup run.
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Provisioning PostgreSQL users/databases:
>> - user 'engine', database 'engine'
>> Restoring:
>> FATAL: Can't connect to database 'ovirt_engine_history'. Please see
>> '/usr/bin/engine-backup --help'."
> The backup/restore here is just like normal ones, so for details you can read
> the output of 'engine-backup --help' or [1].
> In your specific case, you seem to have dwh in your backup.
> To restore it, you have to either prepare a database with the same credentials
> as the one used in the old machine, or, if it was automatically-provisioned by
> engine-setup, you can pass the option '--provision-dwh-db' to make 
> engine-backup
> create it for you.
> I think I should add an option '--provision-all-databases' or something like
> that. Didn't feel very good about it so never done, and no-one asked for it...
> Best regards,
> [1] 
> http://www.ovirt.org/develop/release-management/features/engine/engine-backup/

#engine-backup --mode=restore --no-restore-permissions --provision-db
--provision-dwh-db --provision-reports-db --file=engine-backup.tar.gz

Success with the restore!

Thanks for pointing me out. What I did was just following the
documentation, right or wrong.

But when I run "Engine-setup" I got stucked with

"[ INFO  ] Stage: Setup validation
[WARNING] Less than 16384MB of memory is available
[ ERROR ] Failed to execute stage 'Setup validation': Trying to upgrade
from unsupported versions: 3.5
[ INFO  ] Stage: Clean up
          Log file is located at
[ INFO  ] Generating answer file
[ INFO  ] Stage: Pre-termination
[ INFO  ] Stage: Termination
[ ERROR ] Execution of setup failed"

Seems to be something missing from an earlier db-upgrade?

Ricky Schneberger


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