Thank you for reply.

    you =hould just add ovirtcred and not remove all the other options, without 
=he other options you’re not able to login
There are other options, i’ve just changed the folowing parameter:
should i use somekind of plugin list and add the classic plugin also? eg:
PluginsLogin=classic, ovirtcred
  To me =t looks like that you’re missing

seems you are right. Now i do see ovirt in dbus sessions:

DISPLAY=:0.0 dbus-send --system --dest=org.freedesktop.DBus --type=method_call 
--print-reply /org/freedesktop/DBus org.freedesktop.DBus.ListNames

array [
   string "org.freedesktop.DBus"
   string "org.freedesktop.login1"
   string ":1.72"
   string ":1.171"
   string "org.freedesktop.systemd1"
   string "org.freedesktop.PolicyKit1"
   string ":1.360"
   string ":1.66"
   string "org.freedesktop.PackageKit"
   string ":1.67"
   string "org.freedesktop.UPower"
   string ":1.363"
   string ":1.0"
   string "org.freedesktop.UDisks2"
   string ":1.68"
   string ":1.364"
   string "org.ovirt.vdsm.Credentials"
   string ":1.365"
   string ":1.366"
   string "org.freedesktop.RealtimeKit1"

But still getting the samer error:

Dummy-1::INFO::2016-07-15 18:08:12,299::OVirtAgentLogic::294::root::Received an 
external command: login...
Dummy-1::INFO::2016-07-15 18:08:12,300::CredServer::207::root::The following 
users are allowed to connect: [0]
Dummy-1::INFO::2016-07-15 18:08:12,300::CredServer::273::root::Opening 
credentials channel...
Dummy-1::INFO::2016-07-15 18:08:12,300::CredServer::132::root::Emitting user 
authenticated signal (656949).
CredChannel::INFO::2016-07-15 18:08:17,306::CredServer::241::root::Credentials 
channel timed out.
Dummy-1::INFO::2016-07-15 18:08:17,307::CredServer::277::root::Credentials 
channel was closed.

        However the KDM support =s basically not really developed anymore as 
the majority of our users =re rather using GDM. So there’s quite the 
possibility that =here’s a problem.

Well, i’m having different issues while trying to compile gdm plugin:
configure: error: Package requirements (dbus-glib-1 >= 0.74
                gdmsimplegreeter >=
                gobject-2.0 >= 2.22.0
                gtk+-2.0 >= 2.18.0
        ) were not met:

Package gdmsimplegreeter was not found in the pkg-config search path.
Found no information, o how to get gdmsimplegreeter.

  Thank you.

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