
I wanted to test the new version of oVirt the 4.0.1 on FC23, using HE
method and using NFSv4 for storage.

When launching the deploy command, and choosing nfsv4 and filling the mount
point, the setup exits with error : Connection to storage server failed.

In vdsm log I have this error:
Could not connect to storageServer
Traceback (most recent call last):
OSError: [Errno 2] Mount of `noveria.wodel.wd:/engine_vm` at
`/rhev/data-center/mnt/noveria.wodel.wd:_engine__vm` does not exist

the df -h command shows that the nfs mount was done, but the device path
contains a double slash.
noveria.wodel.wd:*//*vmengine  656G  111G  513G  18%

I am not sure of the problem, but I think it's the *double slash on the
nfs4 path when using fsid=0*: noveria.wodel.wd:*//*vmengine

if I use nfsv4 with fsid=0, the problem shows up.
If I don't use fsid=0 and mention the full path of the nfs mount, the
problem disappears.

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