> Hi Alexis

> Were you able to resolve your storage LUN issue?

> Regards,

> Kevin

I am trying the suggested solution on this post by Nir Soffer : reconnect the 
storage to the older hypervisor and detach it correctly...But it doesn't work :

>From the DC :
1. I set the storage (which is master data domain) to maintenance mode
2. I try to detach it. I get this error message :

 "Error while executing action: Cannot remove the master Storage Domain from 
the Data Center without another active Storage Domain to take its place.
-Either activate another Storage Domain in the Data Center, or remove the Data 

3. If I go in the storage domain menu, I get only the "destroy option", not 
"remove", which is maybe not what I want. I'd like to be able to keep the data 
on it.
4. If I try to remove the datacenter as suggested in the error message I get 
this error (as the hosted-engine storage is still up) :

"Error while executing action: Cannot remove Data Center which contains 
active/locked Storage Domains.
-Please deactivate all domains and wait for tasks to finish before removing the 
Data Center."

5. I can't set the hosted engine storage to maintenance

What should I do ?
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