On Thu, Aug 18, 2016 at 6:38 PM, C Williams <cwilliams3...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> We have an installation with 2 filers on CentOS 7.2 with the hosted engine
> appliance. We use iscsi for our backend storage.
> We have some issues
> We had to dedicate an entire dedicated storage domain for the sole use of
> the Hosted Engine appliance. Is this required ?

Yes, it is.

> Or can the Hosted Engine
> appliance co-exist on another storage domain with VMs ?  I have not been
> able to migrate the Hosted Engine VM to other storage. Because of this
> limitation and to be efficient with our storage use, we asked our storage
> admin to make a small iscsi LUN 20GB for the storage domain for the
> appliance. However, we are constantly getting errors regarding low disk
> space for this domain even though it has only the 10GB appliance.

A storage domain on block devices requires 5 or 6 GB of ancillary data
due to extents size and, if I'm not wrong, there is a low disk space
threshold at about 4 GB; using slightly larger LUN will help.

> Could this size problem be related to my problems with importing VMWare VMs
> into our larger (Multi TB) storage using the Import tool in 3.6.
> Thank You
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