On Fri, Sep 2, 2016 at 5:21 PM, VONDRA Alain <avon...@unicef.fr> wrote:

> Hi,
> I'd like to upgrade my oVirt environment from 3.5 to 3.6 and maybe 4,
> actually the manager oVirt is un 3.5 version, installed on a CentOS 7.2 and
> the two hypervisors are installed on CentOS 6.8.
> I need anyway to upgrade the hosts to be able to move to 3.6.
> I've tried to upgrade the first host, but I had of course issues telling
> that it can't be possible to mix different OS in the same cluster, I've
> also tried to create another cluster to put this host without success.
> What is the best way to upgrade cleanly and safely ?
> Thank you in advance for your advices
Follow this:

Simply ignore the steps that refers to the engine VM if you are with the
engine on a physical system.

> Alain VONDRA
> Chargé d'exploitation des Systèmes d'Information
> Direction Administrative et Financière
> +33 1 44 39 77 76
> UNICEF France
> 3 rue Duguay Trouin  75006
> www.unicef.fr
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