Right I've finally got the engine up and running, however...

  It seems to have deployed the engine vm into 'Default Cluster', I haven't
got a cluster called Default anymore.

  I can see the host bit I can't find the engine host.
  If I select the 'self hosting' host which says it has one vm, none are

Any help appreciated

On 14 September 2016 at 16:00, Maton, Brett <mat...@ltresources.co.uk>

> Ok thnkas, I updated the database instead ( naughty I know )
> UPDATE dwh_history_timekeeping SET var_value=0 WHERE var_name =
> 'DwhCurrentlyRunning';
> On 14 September 2016 at 15:55, Nicolas Ecarnot <nico...@ecarnot.net>
> wrote:
>> Le 14/09/2016 à 16:45, Maton, Brett a écrit :
>>> Neraly there I think,
>>>   Run into what is hopefully a small problem.
>>>   When I run engine-setup on the new host, it fails with the following
>>> error:
>>> [ ERROR ] dwhd is currently running. Its hostname is dwhd.domain.com
>>> <http://dwhd.domain.com>. Please stop it before running Setup.
>>> [ ERROR ] Failed to execute stage 'Transaction setup': dwhd is currently
>>> running
>>> [ INFO  ] Yum Performing yum transaction rollback
>>> [ INFO  ] Stage: Clean up
>>>           Log file is located at
>>> /var/log/ovirt-engine/setup/ovirt-engine-setup-20160914154202-jr8hnc.log
>>> [ INFO  ] Generating answer file
>>> '/var/lib/ovirt-engine/setup/answers/20160914154219-setup.conf'
>>> [ INFO  ] Stage: Pre-termination
>>> [ INFO  ] Stage: Termination
>>> [ ERROR ] Execution of setup failed
>>> dwhd isn't running anywhere, and was stopped before I took the backup.
>>> Any suggestions ?
>> Old and known issue.
>> Just restart then stop the DWH service.
>> Then run engine-setup again and it will work.
>> There is already a BZ for this one. (Feel free to search it...)
>> --
>> Nicolas ECARNOT
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