I can suggest waiting for 4.1 for this as we are adding download ability as
This will allow you at first to backup and restore base images and later on
in 4.1.z uploading and downloading snapshots.

I believe that both full and granular restore can be done via the API as we
support offset uploads, can you give more details on the different between
these options?

Yaniv Dary
Technical Product Manager
Red Hat Israel Ltd.
34 Jerusalem Road
Building A, 4th floor
Ra'anana, Israel 4350109

Tel : +972 (9) 7692306
Email: yd...@redhat.com
IRC : ydary

On Wed, Nov 30, 2016 at 3:19 PM, Victor Jose Acosta <vic.a...@gmail.com>

> Thanks Yaniv, i read about image io streaming after send that email, i
> will use it for my project.
> I will explain to you what I'm trying to do:
> - I'm creating a software to make full backup and restore of VMs using
> python and the backup/restore api
> - The main difference is, i want to have the option to make a full restore
> or granular restore.
> - The backup process is:
>     - Create snapshot off the vm
>     - Mount snapshot disk to a "backup vm"
>     - Identify device name of that disk, this means "/dev/vdc" and so on.
>     - Create a qcow2 image from disk
>     - Get vm configuration in a xml file
>     - Create a compressed file from both files
>     - Detach disk from backup vm
>     - Delete the snapshot
> - The full recovery process is:
>     - Upload the qcow2 files throw image io api
>     - Create a new vm based on the xml file
> - The granular recover process is:
>     - Mount the qcow2 image to as a loop device
>     - Copy files
> I will create a kind of new format, this "new format" will be a .tgz file
> with:
>     - qcow2 images, ordered by number, example:
>         - 00-vm.qcow2
>         - 01-vm.qcow2
>     - the vm xml file
> I working on this a few days ago, so if you are interested it will be a
> pleasure to me provide a solution to the community.
> I will share this project when it's works at least the full backup/restore
> function
> I love oVirt but the my main problem is create backup and share those VMs
> between DataCenters
> So i decided to create a software to make oVirt even more powerful
> About me: I'm not a developer, so be patient, I'm a sysadmin, actually a
> Red Hat Certified Engineer and VMWare Certified Associate
> On 30/11/16 08:26, Yaniv Dary wrote:
> It is planned to be replaced with the image IO streaming API.
> With this API you will be able to upload and download VMs disks and
> snapshots.
> We are also planning to add OVA download and upload in one of the next
> releases.
> Until this is done we will not be removing the export domain.
> Yaniv Dary
> Technical Product Manager
> Red Hat Israel Ltd.
> 34 Jerusalem Road
> Building A, 4th floor
> Ra'anana, Israel 4350109
> Tel : +972 (9) 7692306
>         8272306
> Email: yd...@redhat.com
> IRC : ydary
> On Sun, Nov 27, 2016 at 5:37 PM, Victor Jose Acosta <vic.a...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Hello everyone, i got some questions to you
>> Export domain will be deprecated so, how do i import a ova from another
>> oVIrt to my own oVirt?
>> i will explain to you what I'm trying to do, i got oVirt in 3 different
>> sites, and I'm creating a python based backup software for oVirt 4.x, what
>> i want to do is create a OVA or OVF file as backup and send it to my other
>> site, it's a kind of disaster recovery strategy.
>> With oVirt 3.x, i do it creating a ova file then import that .ova file
>> using ovirt-image-uploader, but in oVirt 4 that tool will be deprecated
>> also, so how do i export a .ova or .ovf file from other oVirt to my own
>> Thanks in advance
>> --
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