On Fri, Dec 2, 2016 at 3:11 AM, Jonathan Woytek <woy...@dryrose.com> wrote:

> Hello all. I've been trying to get a hosted-engine style deployment up and
> running on a small three-hypervisor cluster for prototyping some things
> before they get moved into a production environment. My hypervisors each
> have a 802.3ad bonded interface with several VLANs trunked over the link.
> The network is not currently connected to the internet, but can be for
> updates and the like. There is DNS available and correctly configured.
> I struggled for a few days trying to get the hosted engine to deploy
> correctly. Some issues I encountered were minor documentation issues (and
> mostly just me misinterpreting something that was written). For example,
> when choosing an image source, I could choose cdrom, file, or something
> else, and I tried to choose file (thinking "image file", since I had an ISO
> to use for building the engine vm). Of course, it would bomb because it
> wanted me to give it a preconfigured engine file, NOT an ISO. I eventually
> figured I'd just get the appliance engine file, and went that route (and,
> in that case, that part worked!).
> Then, it started to bomb consistently right after starting the network
> configuration step. It turned out that the motherboards I had (Supermicro)
> did not have UUIDs encoded on them--they were blank. As a result, the vdi
> step was failing to gather the information it needed, but it kept dying
> with error messages that were pretty difficult to decipher. I eventually
> stumbled across the UUID as "None" in the return block, which finally led
> me to dmidecode to verify that the UUID was blank. Then I had to figure out
> how to actually get the UUID set. I found an AMI utility that helped me get
> them set to something, though it didn't actually set them correctly. In the
> meantime, Supermicro helpfully replied to my support request with a link to
> a utility they provide to do the same thing (though I wish that had been
> documented somewhere on their site!).
> UUIDs finally set, I started to work through a few other issues, and
> finally came to the point where it was gathering some network information
> before going to do the next step, and now it kept dying saying that the
> hostname was not unique, then it listed every IP address configured on the
> system (and there were several). DNS was working, and pointed to the
> correct IP address for the hostname. The hostname was set correctly. I
> could not get this to resolve. I got frustrated and posted on twitter. A
> few nice people here saw it and recommended that I join the mailing list.
> That's why I'm here now.
> Before I posted here, though, I wanted to try again when I was fresh and
> not having dealt with all of the previous problems. My first attempt was to
> drop the hostname into /etc/hosts, thinking maybe the install wasn't
> consulting DNS or was confused because there were several IP addresses.
> BINGO. This fixed the "not unique" address problem!
> ... now I just had to go and clean up a botched installation because it
> also couldn't find the hostname for the hosted engine (also in DNS, but I
> just put it in /etc/hosts to hopefully get around whatever issue that is).
> So.. long story short.. Thanks for good software and for being so willing
> to support it, and thanks for putting up with reading this whole thing.
> Now, if someone can explain why DNS isn't being consulted for host names
> correctly, that would be super... :)
It should be, absolutely.
Would you like to share a log from one of your failure attempts?

> jonathan
> --
> Jonathan Woytek
> http://www.dryrose.com
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