On 16-12-2016 20:01, Derek Atkins wrote:
> Hi,
> I'd like to make some modifications to the main /ovirt-engine/ landing
> page that I (and my users) hit when then first connect to my server.
> Specifically, I want to add another link under the "Downloads" section
> to the ovirt CA certificate to make it much easier to download:
> <a 
> href="/ovirt-engine/services/pki-resource?resource=ca-certificate&format=X509-PEM-CA">Ovirt
>  CA Certificate</a>
> However I can't find the HTML for this page, and any links I've found
> seem to refer back to 3.x locations and not anything for 4.0.5.
> Where can I find the HTML for this landing page, or how can I get this
> link added?  I presume I'll have to modify the page every time I update
> the engine, too.
It might be hiding in the war file if that is used to deploy the
application (engine) on wildfly (10.x). Another thought occured, can you
use the plugin architecture to provide the extra link?


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