On 8 January 2017 at 10:17, Roy Golan <rgo...@redhat.com> wrote:
> Adding infra which I forgot to add from the beginning

I don't think this is an infra issue, more of a community/working
procedures one.

I'm going to state my view on this, the same one I've stated before,
with hopes of reaching a conclusion that will be beneficial to

The core of the issue here is that we have two conflicting needs.

On the one hand, the developers need a place where they create and
discuss design documents and road maps. That please needs to be as
friction-free as possible to allow developers to work on the code
instead of on the documentation tools.

On the other hand, the user community needs a good, up to date source
of information about oVirt and how to use it. To keep the information
quality high, there is a need for some editorial process. The OSAS
team stepped in to offer editorial services and is doing tremendous
work behind the scenes. This creates the desire to use the same tools
and flows that OSAS is using for other projects.

One thing that I don't thing is a hard requirement, is to have the
design documents on the main oVirt website. In fact, I think that the
(Typically outdated) design documents being stored on the main site,
and linked to as "features" had been a major source of confusion for

This all leads me to the conclusion that the currently offered
solution, of using the GitHub project wiki feature may indeed be the
appropriate solution for this (Even though I personally resent the
growing dependency of open source projects on proprietary
closed-source online platforms).

Having said the above, I don't think the site project's wiki is the
best place for this. The individual project mirrors on GitHub may be
better for this (I've enabled the wiki for engine [1] and vdsm [2] for
example). For system-wide features, I suppose OST [2] will be
appropriate, with hopes that this will provide some incentive to write
tests for those features.

[1]: https://github.com/oVirt/ovirt-engine/wiki
[2]: https://github.com/oVirt/vdsm/wiki
[3]: https://github.com/oVirt/ovirt-system-tests/wiki

Barak Korren
RHCE, RHCi, RHV-DevOps Team
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