This is a self hosted Glusterized setup, with 3 hosts.  I have had some 
glusterfs data storage domains have some disk issues where healing was 
required.  The self heal seemed to startup and the Ovirt Management portal 
showed healing taking place in the Volumes/Brick tab.  Later it showed 
everything ok.  This is a replica 3 volume.  I noticed however that the brick 
tab was not showing even use of the 3 bricks and looking on the actual hosts a 
df command also shows uneven use of the bricks.  However gluster volume heal 
(vol) info shows zero entries for all bricks.  There are no errors reported in 
the Data Center or Cluster, yet I see this uneven use of the bricks across the 
3 hosts.  

Doing a gluster volume status (vol) detail indeed shows different free disk 
space across the different bricks.  However the Inode Count and Free Inodes are 
identical across all bricks.  

I thought replica 3 was supposed to be mirrored across all nodes.  Any idea why 
I am seeing the uneven use, or is this just something about glusterfs that is 
different when it comes to free space vs Inode Count?


Gary Pedretty                               
Systems Manager                                 
Ravn Alaska                           /\                    907-450-7251
5245 Airport Industrial Road         /  \/\             907-450-7238 fax
Fairbanks, Alaska  99709        /\  /    \ \ Second greatest commandment
Serving All of Alaska          /  \/  /\  \ \/\   “Love your neighbor as
Really loving the record green up date! Summmer!!   yourself” Matt 22:39

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