I've been running oVirt 4.0.x for a while now and upgraded the engine and hosts 
to 4.1. Sometimes, on both 4.0 and 4.1, trying to run the "hosted-engine 
-console" command gives the following results:

The engine VM is running on this host
Connected to domain HostedEngine
Escape character is ^]
error: internal error: cannot find character device <null>

Once this starts occurring, it never works again.

When this happens I note that the hvc0 device does not exist in /dev and 
therefore there is no getty process running for that device. I notice that the 
"Enable VirtIO serial console" box is not checked on the hosted engine VM but 
when I check it and click OK it's unchecked again when I open up the edit 
window again.

How do I get console control back from my oVirt hosts?

Thank you,

Sandy Berger

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