On Thu, Feb 9, 2017 at 3:15 PM, Jonathan Woytek <woy...@dryrose.com> wrote:
> On Thu, Feb 9, 2017 at 3:24 AM Yedidyah Bar David <d...@redhat.com> wrote:
>> [...]
>> Would you like to open an RFE and suggest a new arrangement for the UI,
>> and push a doc update to the website?
> I would, but I felt uncomfortable doing that, as I'm still an oVirt newb. I
> thought perhaps I legitimately missed this somewhere. I'll peruse the doc
> organization to see where I think this makes sense, and I'll certainly do
> that and the RFE. Thanks.

If the UI is not intuitive enough, we need newbies to tell this - experienced
users do not notice anymore...

Re docs - IMO best is to make sure that the search terms that people might
use when searching for solutions, will return good results. People do not
read docs like books. So if you did that and didn't find anything easily,
it means we should improve the docs.
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