Hello all,

I am studying Computer Science at the University of Brighton (UK). I am
interested in participating in Google Summer of Code 2017 with oVirt. I am
a web security and anonymity enthusiast, tried to work with the Tor Project
for GSoC 2016 but it did not work out.

I have gained a lot of related experience during university, internship and
my freelancing work, I could use this experience in your suggested projects:
* VMs: I have experience with vSphere and deploying VMs of test clients in
the company that I am doing my internship for
* Ansible: I have created multiple playbooks for installing monitoring on
test clients: Nagios, Graylog etc. (both on Windows, Linux [Ubuntu, RHEL]
* my main interest is back-end web development, have been doing that for 3
years professionally, as well as projects on my own. Can provide with
portfolio and customers' reviews
* I also have some experience with automation in general: testing,
installation of services etc.

I think that with those skills I could try working on below two projects
from the proposed list:
* "Host reservation system for testing multiple oVirt instances"
* "Ansible playbooks for oVirt deployment with remote resources"

I have experience with Linux, have been using Ubuntu for 4 years on my PC
and at work and in projects, and prefer it for development and server

If you have any questions:
email: marnczarnecki[at]gmail.com
IRC (OFTC): marncz

Many thanks,
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