I'm doing some tests to import VMs from VMware and verify functionality.
Great newcomer in 4.1
In my initial test, ESXi host is 5.5 and vcsa 6.0U2

What does it mean the "clone" check box I can select in the last screen
before running the import?

Also, after pressing OK it seems nothing is then running, apart the symbol
that VM is locked and its status is "initializing"
See here:

BTW: the alerts are not related to the import...

The tasks(N) header shows tasks(0) as if no task in execution

In events I have:
Feb 27, 2017 2:01:35 PM Starting to convert Vm T-RHEL6-64
Feb 27, 2017 2:01:18 PM Starting to import Vm T-RHEL6-64 to Data Center
Default, Cluster Default
Feb 27, 2017 2:01:18 PM Add-Disk operation of 'T-RHEL6-64' was initiated by
the system.

>From hypervisor point of view I see:

[root@ovmsrv06 vdsm]# pstree 18777
     │          └─virt-v2v
[root@ovmsrv06 vdsm]#

And after about 20 minutes (the original VM has only one thin provisioned
disk 4Gb/8Gb) the lock goes away and the status of the VM becomes down and
in events pane I get only now the sequence:

Feb 27, 2017 2:20:42 PM Vm T-RHEL6-64 was imported successfully to Data
Center Default, Cluster Default
It seems to me not so clear experience for the user importing, especially I
imagine in case of more than one import and with big disks.

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