I am currently running oVirt 3.6 on a physical server using hosted engine environment. I have one server since it's a lab setup. The storage is on a Synology 3615xs iSCSI LUN so that's where the vms are. I plan to upgrade to 4.1 and need to check to make sure I understand the procedure. I've read the oVirt 4.1 Release Notes and they leave some questions.

First they say I can simply install the 4.1 release repo update all the ovirt-*-setup* and then run engine-setup.

1. I assume this is on the engine VM running on the host physical box.

2. What does engine-setup do. Does it know what I have and simply update or do I have to go through setup again.

3.  Then do I go to the host and update all the ovirt stuff?

However, they then say for oVirt Hosted Engine follow a link for upgrading which takes me to a Not Found :( page but did have a link back to the release notes which link to the Not Found which.... So what do I need to know about upgrading a hosted engine setup that there are no directions for. Are there some gotchas? I thought that the release notes said I just had to upgrade the engine and then the host.

Given that my VMs are on iSCSI what happens if things go bad and I have to start from scratch. Can I import the VMs created under 3.6 into 4.1 or do I have to do something else like copy them somewhere for backup.

Any other hints and tips are appreciated.


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