
yes - thats how i am doing it. I wonder if its better to access the local bricks
primarily for both relyability and performance/load. 

- if one node fails, it does not mean an impact if we access
- if i write to it might be faster than accessing on network host 
from all
- backup-volfile-servers was set to the other nodes if local gluster fails

My question is, if it´s critical to access all replicas simultanly.


On Thu, 6 Apr 2017 12:30:28 -0700, Jason Brooks wrote
> On Thu, Apr 6, 2017 at 8:53 AM, /dev/null <devn...@linuxitil.org> wrote:
> > Hello all together,
> >
> > having a three node oVirt cluster for virtualization and gluster, each node 
> > providing
> > bricks for a replica 3 volume, I would like to mount the volume from 
> > to
> > distribute i/o and to have a better failover situation.
> The right way to do this is to fill in the mount options with:
> backup-volfile-servers=<IP1>:<IP2>

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