On Sat, Apr 29, 2017 at 1:11 AM, Jamie Lawrence <jlawre...@squaretrade.com>

> I’m wondering if I can do this a different way. Since it is already
> imported, I can create VMs, and the only other warning I’m getting in the
> logs is unrelated, I’m thinking that the problem here is that something
> didn’t get properly set in the DB, and I should be able to fix that
> manually.
> In looking at the code (https://github.com/oVirt/ovirt-engine/blob/master/
> backend/manager/modules/bll/src/main/java/org/ovirt/
> engine/core/bll/storage/domain/ImportHostedEngineStorageDomainCommand.java),
> it to my (not very deep) read that the setSucceeded call failed, even
> though AttachStorageDomainToPool worked.
>       if (getSucceeded()) {
>             AttachStorageDomainToPoolParameters attachSdParams =
>                     new AttachStorageDomainToPoolParameters(
>                             addSdParams.getStorageDomainId(),
>                             addSdParams.getStoragePoolId());
>             setSucceeded(getBackend().runInternalAction(
>                     VdcActionType.AttachStorageDomainToPool,
>                     attachSdParams,
>                     getContext()).getSucceeded());
>         }
>         setActionReturnValue(heStorageDomain);
> Is there a way to call setSucceeded without hacking together a custom
> utility? Not seeing it in vdsClient --help, which doesn’t surprise me. In
> looking over the stored procedures, I’m also not finding a likely
> candidate, but that is probably because there are so many that I’m just
> missing it.
> Does anyone know what the relevant SP is, or in some other way clue me in
> on the right direction here?
> I realize this is not supposed to be the way to do things. But I’m not
> finding a better solution, and attempting to find a “right” way via
> questions to this isn’t working either. And of course I take full
> responsibility when Ovirt  kills my pets and drinks all my liquor.
I'd suggest to destroy (but without deleting its content!!!) the
hosted-engine storage domain in the engine: the auto-import process should
simply trigger again.

> -j
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