On 06/11/2017 04:19 AM, Fabrice Bacchella wrote:

Le 10 juin 2017 à 22:21, Michal Skrivanek <mskri...@redhat.com> a écrit :

On 09 Jun 2017, at 15:48, Fabrice Bacchella <fabrice.bacche...@orange.fr> wrote:

People might be suprised. I'm currently trying to understand what chrony did to 
my ntpd setup, it look like it killed it and puppet has hard time to 
reconfigure it.

And as it's not a 'ovirt update' but instead vdsm update seems to happen more 
frequently, some people might forget to read release notes and be disappointed.

We do not configure anything. Just pull in dependency. You're free to
disable the service as a common admin task. As long as you replace it
with other time synchronization solution

Yes, that's I've done, but beware of user complain about broken ntp service 
because their specially crafted ntpd configuration now lying dead. I detected 
it because my puppet setup tried to uninstall chrony and failed. What about 
other users ? Does the default chrony settings always works, for every one ?

Since you mentioned puppet, here's out puppet pp and template erb we use, hope it help. IMHO, ntp has problems that chrony doesn't have:


# This class is really only for CentOS 7 or higher.
class chrony (
  $stratumweight      = 0,
  $driftfile          = '/var/lib/chrony/drift',
  $keyfile            = '/etc/chrony.keys',
  $keyfile_commandkey = 1,
  $generatecommandkey = true,
  $logdir             = '/var/log/chrony',
  $noclientlog        = true,
  $logchange          = '0.5',
  $makestep_enable    = true,
  $makestep_threshold = 10,
  $makestep_update    = -1,
  $bindcmdaddress     = '',
  $servers            = ['ntp1.example.com', 'ntp2.example.com'],
  $iburst_enable      = true,
  $rtcsync_enable     = false,) {
if $operatingsystem in ['CentOS', 'RedHat'] and ($::operatingsystemmajrelease + 0) >= 7 {
    # Red Hat, CentOS don't readily have ability to change location of conf
    #  file.
    $conf_file = '/etc/chrony.conf'

    service { 'chronyd':
      ensure  => 'running',
      enable  => true,
      require => Package['chrony'],

    file { $conf_file:
      ensure  => present,
      group   => 'root',
      mode    => '644',
      owner   => 'root',
      content => template('chrony/chrony_conf.erb'),
      notify  => Service['chronyd'],
      require => Package['chrony'],
  } else {
    notify { 'chrony only supported in CentOS/RHEL 7 or greater': }

    exec { '/bin/false': }


<% @servers.flatten.each do |server| -%>
server <%= server %><% if @iburst_enable == true -%> iburst<% end -%>

<% end -%>

<% if @stratumweight -%>
stratumweight <%= @stratumweight %>
<% end -%>
<% if @driftfile -%>
driftfile <%= @driftfile %>
<% end -%>
<% if @makestep_enable == true -%>
makestep <%= @makestep_threshold %> <%= @makestep_update %>
<% end -%>
<% if @rtcsync_enable == true -%>
<% end -%>
<% if @bindcmdaddress -%>
bindcmdaddress <%= @bindcmdaddress %>
<% end -%>
<% if @keyfile -%>
keyfile <%= @keyfile %>
<%   if @keyfile_commandkey -%>
commandkey <%= @keyfile_commandkey %>
<%   else -%>
commandkey 0
<%   end -%>
<%   if @generatecommandkey == true -%>
<%   end -%>
<% end -%>
<% if @noclientlog -%>
<% end -%>
<% if @logchange -%>
logchange <%= @logchange %>
<% end -%>
<% if @logdir -%>
logdir <%= @logdir %>
<% end -%>

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