Thanks. I did this previously and got many errors and it didn't work. Since 
then I have tried several thing, one of which was reinitialize lockspace as the 
errors seemed to indicate that might be the problem. 
Now I was able to run the clean-metadata command successfully. 
Will that command fail if there are SAN lockspace issues?

> On Jun 15, 2017, at 10:56 PM, knarra <> wrote:
>> On 06/16/2017 08:17 AM, Mike Farnam wrote:
>> I had 3 hosts running in a hosted engine setup,  oVirt Engine Version: 
>>, using FC storage.  One of my hosts went unresponsive 
>> in the GUI, and attempts to bring it back were fruitless.  I eventually 
>> decided to just remove it and have gotten it removed from the GUI, but it 
>> still shows in “hosted-engine —vm-status” command on the other 2 hosts.  The 
>> 2 good nodes show it as the following:
>> --== Host 3 status ==--
>> conf_on_shared_storage             : True
>> Status up-to-date                  : False
>> Hostname                           :
>> Host ID                            : 3
>> Engine status                      : unknown stale-data
>> Score                              : 0
>> stopped                            : False
>> Local maintenance                  : True
>> crc32                              : bce9a8c5
>> local_conf_timestamp               : 2605898
>> Host timestamp                     : 2605882
>> Extra metadata (valid at timestamp):
>> metadata_parse_version=1
>> metadata_feature_version=1
>> timestamp=2605882 (Thu Jun 15 15:18:13 2017)
>> host-id=3
>> score=0
>> vm_conf_refresh_time=2605898 (Thu Jun 15 15:18:29 2017)
>> conf_on_shared_storage=True
>> maintenance=True
>> state=LocalMaintenance
>> stopped=False
> you can use the command 'hosted-engine --clean-metadata --host-id=<host_id> 
> --force-clean' so that this node does not show up in  hosted-engine 
> --vm-status.
>> How can I either remove this host altogether from the configuration, or 
>> repair it so that it is back in a good state?  The host is up, but due to my 
>> removal attempts earlier, reports “unknown stale data” for all 3 hosts in 
>> the config.
>> Thanks
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