If I reinstall and the rerun the hosted-engine setup how do I get the VMs in 
their current running state back into and being recognised by the new hosted 

Kind regards


> On 17 Jun 2017, at 6:54 AM, Yaniv Kaul <yk...@redhat.com> wrote:
>> On Fri, Jun 16, 2017 at 9:11 AM, Andrew Dent <ad...@ctcroydon.com.au> wrote:
>> Hi
>> Well I've got myself into a fine mess. 
>> host01 was setup with hosted-engine v4.1. This was successful. 
>> Imported 3 VMs from a v3.6 OVirt AIO instance. (This OVirt 3.6 is still 
>> running with more VMs on it)
>> Tried to add host02 to the new Ovirt 4.1 setup. This partially succeeded but 
>> I couldn't add any storage domains to it. Cannot remember why. 
>> In Ovirt engine UI I removed host02. 
>> I reinstalled host02 with Centos7, tried to add it and Ovirt UI told me it 
>> was already there (but it wasn't listed in the UI). 
>> Renamed the reinstalled host02 to host03, changed the ipaddress, reconfig 
>> the DNS server and added host03 into the Ovirt Engine UI. 
>> All good, and I was able to import more VMs to it. 
>> I was also able to shutdown a VM on host01 assign it to host03 and start the 
>> VM. Cool, everything working. 
>> The above was all last couple of weeks. 
>> This week I performed some yum updates on the Engine VM. No reboot. 
>> Today noticed that the Ovirt services in the Engine VM were in a endless 
>> restart loop. They would be up for a 5 minutes and then die. 
>> Looking into /var/log/ovirt-engine/engine.log and I could only see errors 
>> relating to host02. Ovirt was trying to find it and failing. Then falling 
>> over. 
>> I ran "hosted-engine --clean-metadata" thinking it would cleanup and remove 
>> bad references to hosts, but now realise that was a really bad idea as it 
>> didn't do what I'd hoped. 
>> At this point the sequence below worked, I could login to Ovirt UI but after 
>> 5 minutes the services would be off
>> service ovirt-engine restart
>> service ovirt-websocket-proxy restart
>> service httpd restart
>> I saw some reference to having to remove hosts from the database by hand in 
>> situations where under the hood of Ovirt a decommission host was still 
>> listed, but wasn't showing in the GUI. 
>> So I removed reference to host02 (vds_id and host_id) in the following 
>> tables in this order. 
>> vds_dynamic
>> vds_statistics
>> vds_static
>> host_device
>> Now when I try to start ovirt-websocket it will not start
>> service ovirt-websocket start
>> Redirecting to /bin/systemctl start  ovirt-websocket.service
>> Failed to start ovirt-websocket.service: Unit not found.
>> I'm now thinking that I need to do the following in the engine VM
>> # engine-cleanup
>> # yum remove ovirt-engine
>> # yum install ovirt-engine
>> # engine-setup 
>> But to run engine-cleanup I need to put the engine-vm into maintenance mode 
>> and because of the --clean-metadata that I ran earlier on host01 I cannot do 
>> that. 
>> What is the best course of action from here?
> To be honest, with all the steps taken above, I'd install everything 
> (including OS) from scratch...
> There's a bit too much mess to try to clean up properly here.
> Y.
>> Cheers
>> Andrew
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