
On Fri, Jun 30, 2017 at 4:19 PM, cmc <iuco...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Help! I put the cluster into global maintenance, then powered off and
> then on all of the nodes I have powered off and powered on all the
> nodes. I have taken it out of global maintenance. No VM has started,
> including the hosted engine. This is very bad. I am going to look
> through logs to see why nothing has started. Help greatly appreciated.

Global maintenance mode turns off high availability for the hosted engine
vm. You should either cancel global maintenance or start vm manually with
hosted-engine --vm-start

Global maintenance was added to allow manual maintenance of the engine VM,
so in that mode state of the engine VM and engine itself is not managed and
you a free to stop engine or vm or both, do whatever you like and hosted
engine tools will not interfere. Obviously when engine VM just dies while
cluster is in global maintenance (or all nodes reboot, as in your case)
there is no one to restart it :)
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