
A couple of questions about hosted-engine recovery.
Part way through this URL, in the section "Workflow for Restoring the Self-Hosted Engine Environment"
it looks like once the hosted-engine is recovered on Host 1, the VMs on Host 2 and 3 will be running, but not accessible to the recovered Hosted Engine.
Is that correct?
If so, how to you remove host 2 and host 3 from the environment, then add back in again while keeping the VMs running?

Host 2 and Host 3 are not recoverable in their current state. These hosts need to be removed from the environment, and then added again to the environment using the hosted-engine deployment script. For more information on these actions, see the Removing Non-Operational Hosts from a Restored Self-Hosted Engine Environment section below and Chapter 7: Installing Additional Hosts to a Self-Hosted Environment <http://www.ovirt.org/documentation/self-hosted/chap-Backing_up_and_Restoring_an_EL-Based_Self-Hosted_Environment/chap-Installing_Additional_Hosts_to_a_Self-Hosted_Environment>.

BTW: The link referring to chapter 7 is broken.

Kind regards


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