Thanks for the assistance.  Versions are:

vdsm.x86_64             4.19.15-1.el7.centos

Logs are attached.  The GUI shows a creation date of 2017-06-23 11:30:13 for 
the disk image that is stuck finalizing, so that might be a good place to start 
in the logs.

Attachment: logs.tar.z
Description: Unix compressed data

> On Jul 2, 2017, at 3:52 AM, Fred Rolland <> wrote:
> Hi,
> Thanks for the logs.
> What exact version are you using ? (VDSM,engine)
> Regarding the upload issue, can you please provide imageio-proxy and 
> imageio-daemon logs ?
> Issue in [1] looks with the same symptoms, but we need more info.
> Regarding the template issue, it looks like [2]. 
> There were some issues when calculating the estimated size target volume, 
> that should be already fixed.
> Please provide the exact versions, so I can check if it includes the fixes.
> Thanks,
> Fred
> [1]
> [2]
> On Fri, Jun 30, 2017 at 5:11 AM, aduckers <> wrote:
> Attached.  I’ve also got an image upload to the ISO domain stuck in 
> “Finalizing”, and can’t cancel or clear it.  Not sure if related or not, but 
> it might show in the logs and if that can be cleared that’d be great too.
> Thanks
>> On Jun 29, 2017, at 9:20 AM, Fred Rolland <> wrote:
>> Can you please attach engine and Vdsm logs ?
>> On Thu, Jun 29, 2017 at 6:21 PM, aduckers <> wrote:
>> I’m running 4.1 with a hosted engine, using FC SAN storage.  I’ve uploaded a 
>> qcow2 image, then created a VM and attached that image.
>> When trying to create a template from that VM, we get failures with:
>> failed: low level image copy failed
>> VDSM command DeleteImageGroupVDS failed: Image does not exist in domain
>> failed to create template
>> What should I be looking at to resolve this?  Anyone recognize this issue?
>> Thanks
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