On 27/07/17 11:17, Juan Hernández wrote:

Looks like the oVirt engine is rejecting the request to add the disk because some of the related entities doesn't exist. This is the relevant message in the engine log:

2017-07-25 08:28:03,063Z ERROR [org.ovirt.engine.api.restapi.resource.AbstractBackendResource] (default task-51) [] Operation Failed: Entity not found: 23f8f1ae-a3ac-47bf-8223-5b5f7c29e508

Would be nice if you can check the /var/log/httpd/ssl_access_log in the oVirt engine machine. There should be a line there with the 404 HTTP status, something like this:

  POST /ovirt-engine/api/vms/<vm_id>/disks 404

What is the exact content of that line? Is the VM id the one that appears in the above message.

Bingo, there's definitely a 404 error log at the same hour: - - [25/Jul/2017:08:28:02 +0000] "POST /ovirt-engine/api/vms/896098c2-5895-42c3-a419-0c3a43b5ff8b/disks HTTP/1.1" 404 169

But the ID is different

Also, can you check what are the identifiers of the relevant data center and storage domains?

DC and storage UUID "should" be correct, I've copied them from the oVirt CLI output into my hammer command These are the storage IDs for the datacenter where I'm trying to create the VM in:

[oVirt shell (connected)]# list glustervolumes --cluster-identifier 00000002-0002-0002-0002-000000000345

id         : 23f8f1ae-a3ac-47bf-8223-5b5f7c29e508
name       : data_ssd

id         : 6be35972-4720-4d34-b2b0-26ffc294f8a3
name       : engine

id         : 66f33b1e-7bc8-44cf-9cca-9041b0e0dd15
name       : export

id         : cc2c9765-6a3d-4281-8af8-c3526a81cfab
name       : iso

and this is the command line I'm using

hammer host create --architecture-id=1 --domain billy.preprod --operatingsystem-id=7 --hostgroup-title Billy/Preprod --name foo01 --partition-table-id=192 --provision-method image --root-password billy12345 --compute-resource 'LeaseWeb VMs prod' --image CentOS_7.3 --compute-attributes cluster=00000002-0002-0002-0002-000000000345,cores=2,memory=4294967296,start=1 --volume '"size_gb=20,storage_domain=23f8f1ae-a3ac-47bf-8223-5b5f7c29e508,bootable=0"' --volume '"size_gb=30,storage_domain=23f8f1ae-a3ac-47bf-8223-5b5f7c29e508,bootable=0"'

There should also be additional details in the /var/log/ovirt-engine/server.log file. Please check it.

Nope, no log with the same timestamp in server.log :/

Thanks for your kind help!

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