Who are the big users of oVirt?
By big do you mean size of company or deployment size.

Company-wsie, besides Red Hat?

We used to do VMware but dumped it mainly because we got sick of the price
tag associated with it.  Innovation comes from employees not platforms.  We
use oVirt now in our corporate office for internal, dev and some production
systems.  We're in a hyper-converged hosted engine setup on CentOS 7 with
storage (GlusterFS) running in replica 3 across 3 nodes on 10GBase-T

Why oVirt and not vMware?
Free is a big factor and should be considered in decision making process.
The cost savings over 5 years by eliminating VMware licensing alone is
huge.  And the technical knowledge to manage oVirt in place of VMware is
easily obtained.  You can even try it FOR FREE!

Regardless of the cost however, oVirt is ENTERPRISE VIRTUALIZATION.  It is
the upstream project for Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization.  In fact the
docs for RHEV can be used to administrate oVirt (for the most part).

You get:
True web based management console (not that crappy Flash interface)
End User Portal
Active Directory integration
Memory Ballooning
Live Migration
Live Storage Migration
High Availability settings
Host Load Balancing
IPMI power management
VLAN tagging
External or Hyper-converged storage options.
VM resource allocation
Storage Geo Replication (onsite or across the internet to another site).

and one of my favorites...  Import VMs straight from VMware to oVirt.

What is the future for oVirt?
RHEV isn't going anywhere. And for there to be RHEV you need oVirt.
They've got some big names using them including British Airways.


Why do you use oVirt?
Again, it really boils down to licensing costs.  VMware is not just an
upfront cost.  If you want to get updates you have to maintain your support
license.  oVirt does everything we need it to do, and more really, so
purchasing VMware just doesn't make sense.  We've also found VMware to not
be as stable as oVirt.   Our initial oVirt system has been running for
about 3-4 years (I'd have to look at the ticket to get the exact date)
without so much as a reboot.  Our VMware systems kept getting kernel errors
about every 2 months further prompting us to look elsewhere.

*Michael Kleinpaste*
Senior Systems Administrator
SharperLending, LLC.
(509) 324-1230   Fax: (509) 324-1234
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